
for a creative portrait photoshoot in Berlin*

A digital or printed personal voucher is valid for 6 months and costs € 200,-. You can order a gift voucher by sending me an email: meydenberg@gmail.com.

Here you can read some reviews from happy customers and find examples of maternity photos.

I don’t work in a permanent studio at the moment. Instead, I have moved my work area to home shooting. Which means that I will come to people’s homes (or office, or another location of choice) and shoot their portrait.

Gift Voucher Portrait Photography Meydenberg

What you will get:

a creative portrait photoshoot for 1 person

± 2 hour photo session at your place or on location (within Berlin*)

3 high resolution digital photos by email

every extra person € 50,-

every extra photo € 50,-

(for private use only)

* I also work in the Netherlands and where life takes me, just let me know where you live and we will find a way.

If you have any questions or crazy ideas, just write me an email, I’m happy to hear from you!

❤️ Marga



“It was such a funny day!! Thank you, Marga. This was a gift for my wife for Christmas and it happened to be one of the best. You made shooting look so easy, so every camera shy person would feel like a super star. And look, as well. Pepi the Bird also thanks you. Now I need to “manage” her, as she became even a bigger diva.
To all, if you want to buy a gift for your loved ones, or make yourself special, have a great memory for the future…Marga is your photographer ♥”


“Book Marga if you are looking for a super creative, self love supporting and most importantly fun photo shooting with amazing out of the box outcomes. I got a pregnancy photo shooting with her as a birthday gift. First, I found the idea of creating memories of this special time in life nice, but hadn’t done something like that before and only knew professionally shot pregnancy photos that rather scared me because they are not authentic at all to me and I couldn’t imagine myself doing this. But Marga gave me lots of input before the shooting and together we thought of motives that would work for me. During the shooting she created such a nice atmosphere that I lost all my shyness and we worked very spontaneously and intuitively. In the end I even bought more photos than planned because I really could see myself in them and felt super beautiful.”


“Als Marga zu mir kam, fühlte es sich wie ein Wiedersehen mit einer Freundin aus Jugendjahren an, ganz vertraut. Wir tranken einen Kaffee, unterhielten uns, es war gleich eine so entspannte Atmosphäre, ein super Einstieg in die Fotosession für mich.

Mein Wunsch war, endlich mal Bilder von mir zu haben auf denen ich mich erkenne. Marga hat mich gesehen. Natürlich, frei und mehrere Facetten von mir. Mir fällt es nicht sehr leicht, die Kamera bei einem Fotoshoot zu vergessen, aber Marga hat es geschafft eine Wohlfühlatmosphäre, Entspannung und Leichtigkeit zu kreieren, es hat Spaß gemacht. Kein Zeitdruck und alles war gut so wie es war, kein Verstellen, es waren inspirierende Stunden und irgendwie war es für mich mehr als nur ein Fotoshoot. Danke dir Marga!”


“One look at Marga’s website and it’s clear she has a natural talent for capturing uniqueness and personality. This is exactly what I was looking for when I got my heart set on finding someone to take pictures of me and my belly during my first pregnancy. I nearly gave up because any Google search for maternity photographers returns a slew of cheezy and boring pictures. Luckily, I stumbled upon Marga’s work in a Facebook thread calling out local Berlin artists. She was quick to respond to my request with a fair price and flexibility around scheduling. What I loved most about working with Marga is that the shoot was quite spontaneous resulting in photos that far exceeded what I thought was possible given the little resources I had on hand (we took the photos in my dining room with just a few pieces of clothes from my closet and some house plants). She offered advice and direction when needed but otherwise, she just let me do my thing. I will cherish these photos and remain forever grateful to have found someone as special and kind as Marga. :)”


Werken met Marga is leuk! Alles is plezier. En kunstig, dat ook. Telkens als ik een foto van haar zag op social media dacht ik: hè, hoe zit dit, wat een compositie! Ze stond al zo lang op mijn wensenlijstje, maar ik geef schrijfweken in Spanje en zij woont in Duitsland. Het was hoog zomer toen we allebei in Nederland waren. Eindelijk kon het. ‘Laten we gaan boekbadderen!’ Nog steeds ben ik trots op de boekbadderfoto’s waar ik trouwens ook nog eens het meest op gevonden wordt op Insta. Superfijn voor de branding! Marga weet wat ze doet, let op details en blijft maar lachen. Haar werk is met die van niemand te vergelijken. Ze is geen fotograaf, ze is een fotokunstenaar.

For more creative portraits see my portfolio or go to my Instagram.