creative portraits

Playing in my backyard

a photo series about body positivity and radical self love in a fat phobic world.

Model & Text: Lisa-Maria Walter

“Body-shaming mostly evolves because of other people telling you to feel ashamed. And damn it, I was told so often “Cover your arms, nobody wants to see this. Draw in your stomach, you are taking up too much space. Better do not dance, you look like jelly. Disgusting. Ridiculous. Monstrous.” 

For over 30 years, I was raised in a fat-phobic system and was trapped in a very bad eating disorder. Until I asked myself: How am I supposed to take care of myself if I don’t even like my own body? I decided to radically accept all of me.”

You can read Lisa’s full story on my blogpost.


I got a request from Tara who wanted to be photographed with a large snake. We collaborated with Johnny Reptile who is very experienced in the field of reptiles and runs a little store in Köpenick. I built a small photoset between his terrariums and learned a lot about this cold blooded creatures. One thing, when a big snake needs to poop, be patient and pinch your nose shut 😉

Jelena and Pepi

“It was such a funny day!! Thank you, Marga. This was a gift for my wife for Christmas and it happened to be one of the best. You made shooting look so easy, making any camera shy person feel like a superstar, and look like one too. Pepi the Bird also thanks you. Now I need to “manage” her, as she became even a bigger diva.”

Book cover

Cover photos for ‘Learning German (badly)’ by British writer and director Tim Luscombe.


portraits of writer and story coach Brenda van Es.


Who knew that fear could look so beautiful?
“Someone tried to drown me when I was a child and my relationship to water was never really the same since then. I did competitive swimming, I wanted to be a mermaid, I loved dolphins. But I have a fear of open water and the creatures it is home to.

When I pitched this concept to Marga she had no idea this was my reality. I’m eternally grateful for her patience and playful spirit during this shoot. I never thought my fear could look so mesmerizing or ethereal.”



portrait photoshoot as a wedding gift for Beate and Erik.


with Daniel.


I made portraits of filmmaker Harvey Rabbit a transgender filmmaker whose goal is to queer the universe and make the world a safer place for people of all genders.


portraits of Kendra Valentine. She is a story strategist and helps businesses & institutions to communicate the value they provide through a method she calls strategic story design.

Press photos

of musician Illute.

Creative portrait

of Wolfgang aka der Kaiser.


I made a photoserie for an ice cream shop, with my friends and random people from the street as models.

Creative portraits

of dancers for the website of dance school TanzTangente.

You can find more creative portraits on my Instagram